Picture of North Park 神学院 Cupola in 芝加哥



实习可以是你最重要的神学院经历之一,因为你可以分辨你的恩赐和事工的呼召. 你的实习应该包括与你的职业抱负相一致的广泛的事工经历. Important elements of an internship include a mentoring relationship, 外行领袖和实地教育人员与你一起参与, and theological reflection and integration. 在你的实习期间,你将准备在国内外基督教会担任称职和属灵敏感的牧师. 因此,至少有一个学期的实习将在教会环境中进行.

你的实习必须有牧灵监督和同事参与(平信徒委员会), 队列组, 领域的教育 office, 等.). 主管s and mentors must be people who will take seriously, even be invigorated by, the mentoring and supporting roles. 这些支持人员应该始终和有意地出席协商和鼓励. 你的事工环境也必须提供建设性的评估和自我反省的空间.

你的实习应该是带薪实习,为你和教会培养个人和专业的投资. Interns should not be considered cheap labor to serve the church. 而不是, this is an opportunity for you to practice gifts and skills, and for ministry leaders to invest in your pastoral formation. 据了解,几家教会都将受益于实习生, and are prepared to be learning communities for students, 没有经济能力支付学生服务费用,可以考虑其他补偿方式. 实地教育工作人员可以提供有关薪级表的资料, 里程, and other cost items.

所有实习必须首先通过实地教育办公室的审核,以确保实习符合学位要求. 所有必要的实习表格应直接向尼瓦尔大厅地下室的实地教育办公室索取.

Student 实习 Requirements

  1. 你必须在实习开始时向实习教育部门提交一份签署的实习协议. This form initiates the following important items:
    1. 外地教育部门给你主管的欢迎信, 包含他们对你学习经历的责任的相关信息
    2. Registration for your internship credits, 哪个可以在任何学期第一天后的两周内完成. 未在学期初及时提交实习协议注册的学生,将在下一学期注册实习学分. 学生在学期第二周后将不再注册.
  2. 神学硕士 (MDiv)学生需要完成8个学分的实习, which can be accomplished in one of the following ways:
    1. Two full-time semesters, 每周至少工作30 - 40小时,每学期可获得4个学分
    2. Part-time over four semesters, earning a minimum of 2 credits per semester, working 15 to 20 hours per week
  3. Master of arts in Christian formation (MACF)学生必须完成4个学分的实习, which can be accomplished in one of the following ways:
    1. 一个全日制学期,每周至少工作30到40个小时,获得全部4个学分
    2. Part-time over two to four semesters, 每周工作15 - 20小时,每学期可获得1 - 2个学分
  4. 你需要参加在线课堂讨论与其他NPTS学生目前注册实习住院医师经验. Reflection questions are posted each month for cohort discussions, and are designed to generate personal and community reflection, provide feedback to your learning experience, and develop collegiality and listening skills among peers. 这些都是在你的职业生涯中需要练习的重要技能.
  5. You must submit a report at the end of every internship semester, 或者在所有实习实习学分要求结束时进行最终评估. This will be done through the online classroom tool (Moodle). 这份报告是反思本学期经历的宝贵工具, re-evaluating your goals, and identifying your strengths and areas of growth.

实习 Facilitator/社区 Requirements


这是你(学生)的责任安排定期会议与你的导师检讨责任, reflect on ministry experiences and learning goals, and to evaluate work. The supervisor must submit the following:

  • Confirmation that they have read your end-of-semester report
  • A midpoint evaluation
  • 最后的评估

Laity Committee Members (MDiv Students only)

你(学生)有责任安排和领导与你的教友委员会的会议,以获得关于你的事工的反馈. Invite them to offer insight about your particular placement, 反思你的工作, 和你一起祈祷. This committee will be one source of evaluation for your internship. Their feedback gives you a more holistic view of your ministry. The Laity Committee members will submit the following:

  • Each will complete a Public Witness/Sermon Evaluation
  • A laity committee midpoint evaluation
  • A laity committee final evaluation

Spouse (if applicable)

你的配偶会在你实习期间和结束时分享他们对实习经历的观察. 我们鼓励你把这看作一个论坛,让你的配偶表达他们对事工的感受,并提供他们的见解. Your spouse will submit the following:

  • A midpoint evaluation
  • 最后的评估

First-Year 实习

一些学生希望在北公园神学院的第一年学术学习之前完成全职实习. This option may be particularly useful to MDiv students, and could be in a congregational setting, serving as camp pastor, or other specialized ministry settings. For more details, please contact the 领域的教育 office.

领域的教育 Partnership Network